The 2022 Show was a Huge Success!
Thank you to everyone who bought tickets.
We couldn’t have done it without the support of our Sponsors as well!
Every community has its characters and Margaret Reed certainly was one of those! A story of a strong woman with principles but also a profound sense of the human spirit of the people around her.
A story of what could happen when 6 teens in the 1950’s find a cave in the escarpment that may, or may not, contain bones and bats but most certainly contains a bully!
The prevailing idea in 1914/1915 among the local citizens was that there were spies everywhere, including Cave Springs! Join us as we learn more about a naturalized Canadian from Germany living on a farm near Cave Springs.
Producer: Martha Kralt
Assistant Producer: Beth Dandridge
Finance: Martha Kralt
Historical Research: Gary Dandridge
Artistic Directors: Betsy Tauro and Mike Cipryk
Fundraising and Sponsorship: David Fisk
Marketing: Katie Appleyard
Committed individuals working together to make each year’s event a success for the actors and our audience.