Rotary Club of Lincoln Lamplighter Tour
The Lamplighter Tour is comprised of live theatre, with the aim of bringing local history alive, showcasing our local talent, but also the rich heritage and culture that is our foundation in the Town of Lincoln.
Message from the Rotary Club of Lincoln
From its inception in 1997, the Rotary Club of Lincoln has engaged in working towards a better tomorrow, both here in our own backyard and well beyond our borders to the far corners of the world.
The theme behind the Rotary Club of Lincoln is “Investing in Kids and Communities”.
Youth Investment by the Rotary Club of Lincoln includes:
- Big Brothers Big Sisters, Convos Youth Zone, Royal Canadian Air Cadets, The FORT
- Jordan Lion’s Minor Softball, Beamsville Lions Soapbox Derby
- Youth leadership development programs
- International youth exchange programs
Community Investment by the Rotary Club of Lincoln includes:
- The Rotary Shell, Charles Daley Park
- Fleming Centre Capital Campaign
- Cave Springs Camp Legacy Hall Capital Campaign
- Sunset Music Series
World-Wide Investment by Rotary International and the Rotary Club of Lincoln:
- Global eradication of polio
- Khazimula Children’s Project (South Africa)
- Elimination of Preventable Maternal and Child Mortality (Guatemala)
The Rotary Club of Lincoln is proud to share the rich history of our community through the LAMPLIGHTER TOUR – a unique project that brings local history to life while nurturing artistic expression with the direct involvement of some 100 community members of all ages. Since 2004, the phenomenal success of the annual tour has enabled Lincoln Rotary to invest substantially in building community through special projects that foster civic pride and enable cultural and economic development in the Town of Lincoln.
Lincoln Rotarians are proud to join forces with other community members near and far in helping to bring a caring world to life.